World Nursing Day: Tribute to Healthcare Heroes

World Nursing Day, celebrated every May 12th, represents a date of utmost importance in the international calendar, not only to recognize the tireless work of nurses around the world but also to reflect on the crucial impact they have on the well-being and recovery of patients. This celebration coincides with the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing, and serves as a reminder of the dedication, commitment, and compassion that define this profession.


Why is World Nursing Day important?

The importance of this day lies in the opportunity it gives us to thank and value the essential work carried out by nurses in global healthcare systems. These professionals are often the first points of contact for patients, offering care, comfort, and understanding. Their work goes beyond medical attention; they significantly contribute to the emotional well-being of patients and their families, which is fundamental for holistic recovery.


World Nursing Day celebrates the indispensable contribution of nurses to strengthening healthcare systems. Their value, dedication, and vital role in health promotion, disease prevention, and care for the sick, recovering, and terminally ill are recognized. This day also serves to promote better training, working conditions, and the development of policies that support nursing practice.


What can we do on this day?

Appreciation and Recognition: a simple yet meaningful way to celebrate this day is by personally thanking the nurses we know for their dedication and commitment.


Awareness and Spread: use social media to spread messages of appreciation and raise awareness about the vital role of these professionals in healthcare.


Support Foundations: participate in initiatives or make donations to organizations or foundations in Mexico such as the Fundación Letty Coppel, which support the improvement of living and health conditions for the neediest.


Fundación Letty Coppel: A commitment to health and well-being

The Fundación Letty Coppel, focusing on supporting the most vulnerable, plays a crucial role in promoting well-being and health in Mexico with a wonderful nursing team. They help provide specialized care, innovative treatments, and promote sustainable and cultural development. As a foundation, we align with the values and essence of World Nursing Day. Their work not only improves the quality of life for patients but also contributes to shaping a more aware, healthy, and supportive society.



Other foundations in Mexico supporting the cause

Foundations in Mexico play a crucial role on this day. Mexico has a wide spectrum of foundations that tirelessly work to improve the living conditions of its inhabitants, promote education, health, sustainable development, and social well-being. This is achieved not only through direct medical care but also through health education programs, support for research, and the development of healthcare infrastructure.



IMSS Foundation (Mexican Social Security Institute)

The IMSS Foundation, for example, focuses on improving the quality of healthcare services provided by the Mexican Social Security Institute. Through investment in research, medical technology, and staff training, it seeks to optimize patient care and treatment throughout Mexico.



World Nursing Day invites us to reflect on the essential role of nursing in our society. Through recognition, support, and dissemination, we can contribute to making this day have a positive impact not only on the nursing community but also on society. In foundations in Mexico such as the IMSS Foundation and the Fundación Letty Coppel, it is demonstrated how collective commitment to health and well-being can translate into concrete actions that benefit everyone. So, on this and every day, we invite you to value and support our nurses.