On March 5, 2010, a press conference was held announcing the beginning of the campaign called Ropaton, which consists of collecting clothes in good condition to deliver in low-income colonies, for this project are joined Letty Coppel Foundation and DIF Mazatlán. Information was provided on the location of the collection centers that will be established to receive the clothing donated by the population. Three collection centers will be established: Municipal Palace, Health Trailer and DIF Mazatlán Offices. In addition they will establish two more collection centers in the facilities of the Pueblo Bonito hotels in Mazatlán, only for collaborators. The press conference was attended by Mrs. Perla Sarmiento, President of the DIF and Mr. Benjamín Villela, director of the same institution. Support was requested from all society and the media for the good development of this campaign, which will be held from March 8 to 16 of this year.
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