Letty Coppel Foundation donated wheel chairs to the Red Cross and the general Hospital in Cabo San Lucas. Many of the old wheel chairs were in bad condition and the service will improve with these new wheel chairs in these institutions.
Every fifteen days Letty Coppel Foundation provided breakfast to children from low-income families in Cabo san Lucas. Concerned for our children’s health and their development the foundation implements this program for our children have breakfast before going to school and make them improve their grades.
Foundation Letty Coppel donates diapers to Unidos por la discapacidad Association every month to make them deliver the diapers which are basic items to the people in need and with low incomes.
Fundación Letty Coppel visited Hospital General Juan Martín de Salvatierra in La Paz B.C.S. The foundation gave presents to children with cancer. The objective of this visit is to coordinate with the area of oncologiy to continue helping children follow with their treatment.
Celebration for 160 handicapped children and adolescents who concluded their treatments at Centro de Rehabilitación e Inclusión Infantil Teletón Baja California Sur, a religious service was celebrated in the morning and later the foundation members delivered certificates. We are very glad to see that many of our protected children finished […]
Every month Letty Coppel Foundation gives food to elderly people from different neighborhoods in Cabo San Lucas. The reason is to help people who can’t afford food. The foundation is concerned for the families’ wellbeing and does actions like this to provide support.
Letty Coppel Foundation donates sweaters to children from low-income families in neighborhoods Colonia Azteca and Colonia Miranda in Cabo san Lucas to protect them from the cold this season and to protect their health. As always, the foundation always cares for children providing them with warm clothes at school.
Every month letty Coppel Foundation delivers economical support to women and children with cancer. This support is to help them continue with their treatments and to help them buy medicine, since they do not have the resources for their treatments.
Every fifteen days Letty Coppel Foundation provides breakfast to children from low-income families in Cabo san Lucas. The aim of this program is to ensure children have breakfast before going to school and to take care of their health and development, since due to bad nutrition they are under the […]
Letty Coppel Foundation and the Coppel family visited the elderly people in Colonia Gastelum, where they spent some wonderful time together. They were served tamales and they received some small presents. Mrs. Letty Coppel visited the seniors and spent some wonderful time with them. Our seniors had a great time […]
Every month, Letty Coppel Foundation delivers economical support to children from less privileged families with different disabilities. This help is for their therapeutic treatments and for transportation, since their families do not have enough economical resources to fulfil their needs.
As it is traditional every year, letty Coppel Foundation in coordination with Pueblo Bonito Hotels organized a toy charity “el jugueton” to bring happiness to different neighborhoods of Cabo San Lucas. The three wise kings accompanied us to bring toys to children who were waiting very happily for the three […]