This is a Very Special Day for Children and Letty Coppel Foundation, they all celebrated together, it should be mentioned, they are children with different abilities and others who suffer cancer, this festivity took place in La Costa Salon inside Pueblo Bonito Rose in Los Cabos, the foundation welcomed children […]
With the aim to promote children’s education Letty Coppel Foundation donated school material, to make them focus in school rather than on the streets or doing not appropriate activities. The idea is they use their time for productive activities to avoid bad habits. Alfa&Omega is an association who imparts workshops […]
Within the School Breakfast program, we donate food to children making them more productive in their activities when they go to school. Above all, the intention is to combat undernutrition, and to make families aware of the importance of having children go to school, having previously had breakfast, so that […]
A park named “4 de marzo” park got forgotten by the time, citizens lost the intention to improve it and was in very bad conditions, also people around the neighborhood mentioned they were seeing this place dirty and insecure. Later in October 2017 a restoration project was approved with the […]
As every month Letty Coppel Foundation provides financial support to parents of children with disabilities. As well as helping to continue with therapies of children and women in cancer treatment. We also support them with the purchase of diapers and medications. This is a long-term program that aims to support […]
Letty Coppel Foundation supported again children with different disabilities as well as women´s cancer, with the aim to carry on their medical treatments, buy medicines and get therapy, it should be mentioned many of the beneficiated families does not count with the enough economic resources to attend special necessities, they […]
Early in the morning hundreds of people with different ages gathered at the pabellon cultural to check their sight, this campaign was organized by club de leones in coordination with Letty Coppel Foundation, it should be mentioned oculists were present to help with the sight examinations, once they had the […]
Letty Coppel Foundation in Los Cabos, gave economical support with the intention to support children with different disabilities, also for women´s cancer, it should be mentioned they receive this support every month, families mentioned they use this money to buy medicine and diapers, the foundation said helping this community is […]
As each year, the foundation together with the sales office personal gave the donation to the mentioned association. Gay Thatcher the time share manager presented a speech for the people who attended the event, as well as the foundation and all people involved in the sales department, it was a […]