Letty Coppel Foundation presented the conference “Saving the Super Hero” given by Adriana Macias.

Letty Coppel Foundation held this conference for the general public given by the speaker, motivator and writer, Adriana Macias, this conference was called “Saving the Super Hero”

As part of the closing program in the school for parents, they all thanked to Letty Coppel Foundation, this conference has the sole purpose of sensitizing parents to make a balance in their lives, looking for new strategies so as not to neglect the family, as it was mentioned by Lic. Adriana Macías who, through her great life experience, managed to convey in a sincere and harmonious way all her knowledge in order to lead a life full of positivism. Attendees thanked Letty Coppel Foundation for bringing extraordinary people such as Adriana Macias, an example of life for all.