Letty Coppel Foundation hands out different supports

On 26 November, Ms. Letty Coppel, president of the Letty Coppel Foundation give support to various institutions in Mazatlan, Sinaloa. It began with the delivery of financial grants to special children totaling 50 children with different abilities to benefit, this release took place at the premises of City Hall and attended by Ms. Perla Sarmiento, chairman of DIF.

Afterwards, they headed to the facilities of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa the Auditorium of the School of Social Work where he gave various supports, among those who are supporting the program PAMAR that aims to return to their homes to children working on the streets, becándolos to study, for this program Letty Coppel Foundation provides a financial scholarship and a pantry to 20 children.

Another support was the delivery of resources to build a classroom for children with physical problems where they can receive specialist care, receive care children with Down syndrome, blind, deaf, dumb and psychomotor problems.

Another program that was received was Chimalli, which means shield in Nahuatl, which aims to lead discussions and activities to the colonies at risk for family violence prevention as well as teach some crafts with which they can earn some income.

Finally, we give support to school feeding program to benefit the two schools, which serve over 400 breakfasts each day.

