Foundations in Mexico supporting children against child labor.

How do scholarships and foundations in Mexico promote social development and educational opportunities?

In Mexico, education plays an important role in social, cultural and economic development. The educational system ranges from basic education to higher education and strives to provide high quality and equitable education for all students.

The Secretería de Educación Pública (SEP) is responsible for setting educational standards and policies in Mexico. However, despite attempts to improve the quality of education, the educational system in Mexico faces problems such as unequal access to education, lack of resources in certain areas and the disparity between rural and urban education.

Convocatoria de beca para ingreso a universidades

Mexico, a country known for its cultural diversity and academic excellence, offers a great number of educational opportunities to national and international students. As a nation committed to development and equity, it has established a solid educational system that provides opportunities through scholarships and foundations. These mechanisms, regardless of their financial resources, allow talented students to access higher education and develop their full potential.

Scholarships and foundations play an important role in spreading equal opportunity and strengthening the educational system in Mexico, which has enabled thousands of students to achieve their academic goals and maximize their potential.

Estudiantes recibiendo beca Benito Juárez

Both of these pillars have been crucial in providing opportunities to those who would otherwise be unable to access a high quality education due to financial constraints.

Through this blog, we will explore at the main foundations and scholarships available in Mexico that can help you reach your academic goals using information from the years 2020 to 2023.


Fundación BBVA México

In the country, this foundation promotes education and entrepreneurship. Its “Becas BBVA” program provides financial support to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students, while encouraging entrepreneurship through development and mentoring programs.

Fundación BBVA reconociendo alumnos destacados

Fundación Carlos Slim

This foundation, created by the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, focuses on education, health and social development. It offers educational scholarships through programs such as “Becas de Excelencia” and “Becas de Educación Superior”.
It also supports educational infrastructure projects and training programs.

Reconocimientos en área de salud de Fundación Carlos Slim

Fundación Telmex-Telcel

The Telmex-Telcel Foundation scholarships are offered by a philanthropic organization associated with telecommunications companies in Mexico. These scholarships help students pursue higher education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields. The scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses and academic support.

Fundación Telmex-Telcel ofreciendo apoyos





The Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) offers scholarships to support students pursuing higher education in Mexico. These scholarships cater to undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies in various fields. CONACYT scholarships are highly competitive and provide financial assistance, research opportunities and access to world-class facilities.


Beca Universal para Estudiantes de Educación Media Superior (SUBES)

This scholarship is awarded by the Government of Mexico to high school students providing financial support to cover tuition, transportation and educational materials.


Beca Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro (JCF)

The “Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro” scholarship seeks to provide young Mexicans with tools and opportunities to develop skills, strengthen their employability, and promote their insertion in the labor market.

Through this initiative, we seek to promote the economic and social growth of the country, giving young people the opportunity to build a promising future.

Estudiantes participantes de beca JCF

These are just a few examples of scholarships and foundations in Mexico, but there are many more organizations and programs in the country that provide educational support to students.

At Fundación Letty Coppel, through an arduous work in partnership with local schools, we provide nutritious breakfasts to children in vulnerable situations, ensuring that they start their day with the energy and vitality necessary for an effective learning process.

In addition, at the beginning of the school year, we held an emotional school supplies drive, providing students with the materials they need for their academic performance and strengthening their motivation to learn. We also ensured that the children are warm and protected from the cold by providing them with appropriate sweatshirts, thus encouraging their regular attendance at school and preventing weather conditions from affecting their school performance.

These efforts have had a significant impact on the lives of thousands of children, empowering them with the necessary tools to reach their full academic potential while providing a safe and nurturing environment for their personal growth.

Fundación Letty Coppel continues its hard work with the conviction that a quality education is the path to a more promising and equitable future for all.

Student support in Mexico, whether popular scholarships or foundation initiatives, has the potential to transform lives by providing equal opportunities, fostering social mobility and strengthening the country’s educational system.

Estudiantes de posgrado atendiendo convocatoria de beca CONACYT

Student support in Mexico is a valuable instrument to promote education and student development, as they play a fundamental role in building a more inclusive, equitable and prosperous country.