Summer Workshop

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The Summer Workshop is a play and learning space for children between 5 and 11 years old who participate in the different workshops where the basic contents are deepened and enriched in an entertaining way, seeking to promote meaningful learning by strengthening dialogue, imagination and experiences. of the kids.

Promote and facilitate a comprehensive education simultaneously with the learning process of learning to Learn, Do and Be.


  • Chess: Helps the player’s mental and personal development, in addition to promoting concentration, decision-making, creativity, attention, logical-mathematical reasoning, responsibility and emotional control. This will allow the student to mature in different aspects, being very useful in their daily life.
  • Psychomotor Activities: The Marieta turtle, the battle of the balloons, the closed circle, are some of the activities that help support psychomotricity, as well as:
    1. Motivate the student through the sensations and relationships between the body and the outside.
    2. Develop your ability: of perception through knowledge of the movements and response of your body.
    3. Organize the ability of movements through signs, symbols, plans and the use of real and imaginary objects.
    4. To allow children to discover and express their capacities, through creative action and the expression of emotions.
  • FILMS (Emotions): They are the fundamental basis in the development of children to know their feelings and the way to express (when there is difficulty), as well as their personal quality.