The past April 28, the Letty Coppel Foundation made delivery of the 50 scholarships to children with different abilities and 20 for older adults in coordination with the municipal DIF. Delivery is carried out on the basketball Alemán Evers where the deliveries are usually made. With this program the Letty […]
Social Assistance
Last April 26, the Letty Coppel Foundation participated in the exhibition of paintings that organized the Association United hands of the Disability in the facilities of the Museum of Art of Mazatlan to display the works of art made by the students of this institution. AMAD is an association that […]
Last April 26, the Letty Coppel Foundation delivered 1750 bags of sweets for colonies of low-income Mazatlan to be delivered to children in these colonies. Between the colonies benefit we can mention Uriah, Mazatlan 1, Allende, Siren and Flores Magón among others. For the Letty Coppel Foundation it is very […]
Last April 15, 2011, Letty Coppel Foundation gifted 120 vouchers to get graduated lenses to be donated to low-income people with visual problems. This is the first delivery of lenses carried out by the Letty Coppel Foundation in coordination with the Association a Hand of Friendship presided over by the […]
On April 14, 2011, Letty Coppel Foundation attended the Children’s Day celebration of the Association A Guide on the Road, 17 children receiving services from the association celebrated children’s day, there were clowns and a show motley dress. This association gives attention to children with various physical and neurological problems. […]
On April 9, Letty Coppel Foundation was invited to participate as a judge in the PROJECT EXPO 2011 event organized by the North American University. The students of this university in the last semesters of different races had different productive projects, which were developed by students. Among the projects there […]
On April 8, Letty Coppel Foundation presented the annual donation to Red Cross Delegation Mazatlan. The event took place at the Hotel Aguamarina where distinguished institution staff presented the results of 2010, The event was attended by various municipal authorities and local businesses. As Letty Coppel Foundation each year joins […]
On 8 April, the monthly delivery of food baskets and bundles of sheet laminated, took place at the offices of COMITUR to receive the requested support. To be benefited people should adopt a socioeconomic study, which is performed by personnel from COMITUR; deliveries are monthly. With ticket in hand the […]
On 2 April, the municipal DIF announced the start of the campaign XV cleft lip surgeries and ocular prostheses plus ear. The campaign will take place from 25 to 28 May. This campaign is available and accessible to poor people, who will have access to these surgeries for free. The […]
This April 2, the Association Unicorn inaugurated its new classroom to take care of children with autism at their new facilities in Col. Jaripillo. This event was attended by municipal authorities. This classroom will be of great help to children with autism because they may receive therapy to improve their […]
On 31 March, at the premises of the court German Evers the monthly delivery of financial scholarships took place for children with disabilities and older adults. Delivery is done in coordination with the municipal DIF. Letty Coppel Foundation gives 50 scholarships to children with disabilities and 20 scholarships to older […]
On March 30, Letty Coppel Foundation delivered 23 braces between wheelchairs, canes and walkers to low-income people. This delivery was carried out in coordination with the Tourism Committee (COMITUR) which is presided over by the Lic. Fernando Pucheta. The Letty Coppel Foundation will be conducting this delivery quarterly to people who […]
On March 13th, 2011, the Letty Coppel Foundation participated in the Medical Day which was organized by the Salvador Villafuerte Tunal A.C. at the Jardines Del Valle district in Mazatlan. At the start of this Medical Day, employees from the Pueblo Bonito Hotels in Mazatlan, through the Letty Coppel Foundation, […]
On March 10th, 2011, the Letty Coppel Foundation conducted the monthly installment of food baskets and lamina bundles for people with meager resources. The delivery was done at the tourism committee. This month 400 food baskets and 200 lamina bundles were given to the same number people of meager resources […]
On February 24th economic grants were provided to 50 children with disabilities and to 20 senior adults, in coordination with the municipal DIF (Spanish acronym of the integral family development). As is customary every month, the beneficiaries arived early at the German Evers’ court in order to receive their grants. […]
On February 15th, 2011, and within the activities program that Mrs. Letty Coppel had on her trip to Mazatlan, she visited the facilities of Mazatlan’s Orphanage, where she supervised the first monthly food basket installment that will be done as an ongoing support to this organization, which provides care to […]