Letty Coppel Foundation delivered economical support to children with different abilities and elders in need, they also received clothing, toys and a chicken for each family to celebrate Christmas dinner in family. It should be mentioned they felt truly grateful and thanked Mrs. Letty Coppel by heart for supporting the […]
Social Assistance
Letty Coppel Foundation supported with economical support to children hospitalized at The General Hospital, so they can have light and hope to fight their situation.
Letty Coppel Foundation delivered Christmas dinners to “Albergue de la Miseriordia”, “Women in Need” and “El Rancho de los Niños” refuges, the foundation shared a Christmas dinner with all of them, toys, piñatas, diapers, vitamins and other supplies were provided too, with the aim of improving their quality living. They […]
Letty Coppel Foundation, celebrated to Children with Different Abilities Association with a fabulous significative party, where they all enjoyed dancing, receiving piñatas, gifts and playing funny dynamics, they also could enjoy a delicious dinner in company with their families. It should be mentioned they said it was a memorable evening […]
Letty Coppel Foundation in Mazatlan delivered candies and Delicious juices to celebrate December traditional festivities with children with different abilities, they could dance and sing Christmas songs among their beloved friends to keep enjoying the event.
As each year Letty Coppel Foundation is visiting General Hospital un Cabo San Lucas to deliver felicity and presents for children hospitalized, it was a special day for all of them, they are through constant medical observation but they could forget their shame situations and giving support to carry through […]
As each year, Letty Coppel Foundation supports single mothers from Pueblo Bonito Group in Cabo San Lucas, they received food pantries, toys for their children and tickets for Christmas dinner. Goyita Osako General Manager at Pueblo Bonito Rose, thanked the foundation for this priceless support for hard work mothers. Lucy […]
Letty Coppel Foundation organized a nice dinner with the aim of commemorate traditional December festivities around low resources neighborhoods, hundreds of toys were delivered to children as well as snacks and the traditional dinner with tamales and hot cocoa. It should be mentioned that food pantries were delivered too as […]
Letty Coppel Foundation in coordination with Technical Secondary #16 in Cabo San Lucas organized this traditional race, where students from this institution, their parents and teachers gathered to participate in different categories, at the end winners and participants were awarded with a turkey, they sure will share with their beloved […]
Aiming to promote traditional festivities Letty Coppel Foundation organized a Christmas Play in Cabo San Lucas, many children and parents attended the show, where they also received presents, candies, toys and many other things, people were grateful with the foundation for promoting this traditional shows.
Letty Coppel Foundation supporting low-income children in Cabo San Lucas in coordination with the Recreative Cycleway. The foundation delivered the bicycles to the children, as well as the mother´s children are in the program self-employment. The Director of the cycleway Mario Meave thanked Letty Coppel Foundation for this support for […]
In this occasion Mrs. Letty Coppel made a priceless contribution such as scholarships for nursing students, delivery of sports uniforms, soccer balls, tickets to be changed for eyeglasses, and also the self-employment program was mentioned as a valuable resource for mothers with no job. It should be mentioned, this time […]
Letty Coppel Foundation delivered food pantry, ceiling structures and orthopedic apparatus such as walking sticks, crutches and others in the Francisco Villa neighborhood, where hundreds of people gathered to receive support.
this time Letty Coppel Foundation had the opportunity to visit women in the Mazatlán penitentiary and deliver first need personal products, the foundation also provided interesting talks focuses on values, love and faith.
which took place in The Pabellon Cultural in Cabo San Lucas, where hundreds of children gathered waiting for Santa Claus, to hug him and receive a present, Santa also gave them piñatas, tamales and atole, at the end, they all thanked the foundation for this memorable event.
Those animal refugees were beneficiated by a collect that Letty Coppel Foundation organized, those little animals deserve home and a lovely family, we hope they will be adopted soon.