Celebrating Mexican Independence

Celebrating Mexican Independence:
The Importance of Unity and Solidarity in Community Development

On September 16th, Mexico celebrates one of the most significant events in its history: the anniversary of the beginning of its independence. However, beyond the parades and celebrations, this date invites us to reflect on the fundamental values that made independence possible: unity and solidarity. These same values are essential for the development and strengthening of our communities today.

This date not only reminds us of the struggle for freedom but also symbolizes the values of unity and solidarity that have been fundamental in building the country we know today.

Mexican independence would not have been possible without the cohesion and collective effort of people from different backgrounds and social classes. These same values of unity and solidarity continue to be essential, especially in the work of organizations like the Fundación Letty Coppel, where we strive to strengthen the most vulnerable communities in our country. These values are the driving force behind our daily work, strengthening our communities and building a fairer country for everyone.


Unity and Solidarity: Lessons from History

Mexican independence teaches us that unity and solidarity are essential to overcoming challenges and achieving common goals. In 1810, it was the union of various social classes, ethnic groups, and brave leaders that allowed the country to fight for its freedom and self-determination. This same unity and solidarity are needed today to address the challenges faced by many communities in Mexico, from poverty and inequality to lack of access to education and healthcare.

In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, it is essential for communities to work together to tackle challenges such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to basic services. Unity and solidarity are not just abstract ideals but practical tools that can be used to promote community development and improve people’s quality of life.

Just as our patriotic heroes came together to achieve freedom, today, multiple foundations in Mexico join forces to provide social assistance to those in greatest need.


Inspiring Society: The Call to Action

The anniversary of Mexican Independence is a moment to reflect on how each of us can contribute to the well-being of our communities. Unity and solidarity are not just historical principles but living values that must be promoted and practiced daily. By supporting the efforts of organizations like the Fundación Letty Coppel, individuals and businesses can play an active role in building a stronger and more united Mexico.

At the Fundación Letty Coppel, we are inspired by the historical values of unity and solidarity to guide our daily work. Since its founding, we have sought not only to provide immediate assistance to those in need but also to create a sense of community and mutual support. Here are some ways in which the foundation embodies these values in its initiatives:


  • Social Assistance Programs: One of the pillars of the Fundación Letty Coppel work is the distribution of food and essential items to families in vulnerable situations. This act of solidarity not only helps cover basic needs but also sends a message of support and hope. By receiving help, families know they are not alone and that there is a community willing to support them in difficult times.
  • Promotion of Community Education: Education is a fundamental pillar for the development of any society. At the Fundación Letty Coppel, we understand this and work to provide educational opportunities for young people and adults. From scholarships for students to training workshops, the foundation aims to empower individuals through knowledge. Education not only transforms the life of those who receive it but also has a multiplier effect on their surroundings, fostering unity and progress in the community.
  • Access to Health and Well-being: Health is a fundamental right, and at the Fundación Letty Coppel, we work to ensure that more people have access to basic medical services. Through health campaigns and the provision of orthopedic devices, we support those who cannot access these resources on their own. This act of solidarity not only improves individuals’ quality of life but also strengthens the community by promoting overall well-being.


The Role of Alliances in Building Strong Communities

In addition to our direct work with communities, we firmly believe in the importance of strategic alliances. Collaborating with other organizations, businesses, governments, and foundations in Mexico allows us to maximize resources and efforts, achieving a greater and more sustainable impact. Mexican independence also teaches us about the importance of alliances and how, by joining forces, we can achieve goals that seemed unattainable.


These alliances enable the foundation not only to expand the reach of its programs but also to ensure that its actions align with the real needs of the community. Through collaboration, we can address problems comprehensively, offering solutions that not only solve immediate issues but also build a solid foundation for future development.


Mexican Independence is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when we unite for a common cause with foundations in Mexico. Today, those values of unity and solidarity are as relevant as they were more than two centuries ago. At the Fundación Letty Coppel, we strive to honor this legacy through our actions and programs, working tirelessly to strengthen vulnerable communities and promote a sense of cohesion and mutual support.

Let us celebrate this independence not only with pride but also with a renewed commitment to unity and solidarity, ensuring that these values continue to be the foundation upon which we build a more equitable and prosperous future for all towards social assistance in Mexico. Every small action count, and together we can make a big difference. Whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, we can all contribute to creating a Mexico where unity and solidarity are more than words—they are everyday actions.